Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Homemade butter

When I was shopping at the frenchs forest markets a few weeks back I couldn't buy any butter from my regular guy at the jersey milk stall and he suggested I make my own with his double cream, so this is what I did and it was very interesting to watch the butter start churning in the food processor and I just added a level tablespoon of celtic sea salt which was recommended but far to salty for my tastes so I would add a level teaspoon next time. The flavour is unbelievable and it is a fun project that is worthwhile.

1 container of double cream (I used jersey cream which is quiet thick I can imagine barrambah organic would be good to)
1 teaspoon celtic or Himalayan pink salt

Pour the cream straight into the food processor and add the salt, start pulsing and within 30 seconds it will start to look like butter. Stop (don't over process) and lift out and then mould into a butter shape and store in the fridge

It will last for a few months

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